Free BUSINESS Software

When you enter the Second Phase of OCCA membership, you get a free childcare management software subscription for 2 years.  Please contact us for the most updated information on software rates beyond those 2 years.

How Child Care Management Software can help

Open to Phase 2 OCCA members. We will support you with onboarding and any training necessary.

Reduce paperwork

Collect tuition and fees on-time and online
Share your up-to-date availability with families looking for care
Easier parent communications and offers digital check-in and check-out

Create a professional looking webpage for your business

How Child Care Management Software Works

The Oregon Child Care Alliance offers free 2 year subscriptions to business software which includes a free webpage to market your business when you become an Alliance member.

Joining the OCCA is free and your software subscription will start when you enter the Second Phase of membership.  You will receive training and support on using the business software. 


What does Child Care Software do?

This software is so much more than just a way to bill parents and do your record keeping!

With business software, you will gain an online web presence where parents can easily search for your program, view your enrollment availability, book tours, and apply to enroll.  Both you and your enrolled families can use the app for daily communication, sign in/sign out, lesson plans, payment billing, and more.

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